myGloss Englisch-Kurs zum 2. Heute mit Model Josh Beech. So machen Fremdsprachen Spass :)
Josh über den Beruf als Model, über Daisy Lowe, seine Band, sein Tattoo und dass er bereits als kleiner Junge lieber Schrammen statt dreckige Hosen nach Hause brachte.
Q. How did you feel when you were approached to be part of the LOUD campaign?
A. I was actually really shocked because my image of Tommy Hilfiger was completely different then it is now. Once the shock wore off, I thought, wow, this is awesome.
Q. How did it feel sharing the spotlight with Daisy Lowe?
A. It was really great to do the shoot with Daisy because she’s a good friend of mine. We’re both from London and we hang out when we’re home, so it was cool to be working with a friend.
Q. What was the highlight of the shoot for you?
A. The jumping around and being crazy. I’m in a band and that’s how I am anyway. I’m this crazy jumping around person. So when I get to do that for a job, it’s pretty cool.
Q. How was it working with the Ting Tings?
A. As a musician myself I have a lot of respect for them. Headlining festivals in England, that’s a massive achievement.
Q. How did you get into modeling?
A. I got scouted in London. My booker, Cheryl, asked me if I was model. She’d been ringing me quite a lot over the next few months so I finally gave in and made an appointment to see her. I was signed immediately after our meeting. I have been very lucky.
Q. How has modeling changed your life?
A. I think modeling is a lot more luck than anything else. I feel blessed to be in the position I am. I believe everything is a time and a place kind of thing. The best thing about it for me is that I’ve met the best people. Every job I go on, I take a friend from it. And how cool is it that I get to travel the world? You can’t really beat that, can you?
Q. Are you into fashion or is it just part of the business?
A. I’ve always been into clothes. My family will tell you when I was a little kid I was immaculately dressed. My mom tells me these stories, where all the other boys would be going out and getting dirty and I’d fall over and have grazed knees and cut hands and come in and be more worried about my trousers being covered in mud than the cuts and bruises. I guess I’ve always been a little bit vain.
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Q. Who are your fashion icons?
A. My whole life was kind of based around music and stuff so I guess my fashion icons would be people who are in bands. I pretty much just wear jeans and T-shirts, like band T-shirts – some from my friends’ bands and the bands I go to see.
Q. We hear you are also a musician. How did you get into music?
A. I’ve been playing guitar since I was 14 or 15, but I used to play keyboard and stuff before that. I’ve always wanted to do music and then I met people at school and we started forming bands. Music has always been my main passion.
Q. Tell us about your band.
A. My band’s Hilda May. We released a single in November of 2 009, which did really well in Japan and Europe. We were pretty psyched about that.
Q. What type of music do you play?
A. According to the magazines and radio they say we’re melodic punk. So I’m going to go with melodic punk.
Q. Who are your favorite artists?
A. I’m into lots of things from The Beatles to The Chariot. I listen to loads of different stuff.
Q. Tell us about your tattoo. What does “Love Life” mean to you?
A. I love life and it’s a constant reminder. It’s also me saying I never have to get an office job.
Q. What are your grooming habits?
A. I’m going to talk you through a Josh morning. I get up, have a cup of tea or coffee, jump in the shower and wash – use some nice smelling stuff like, Link or whatever is on my girlfriend’s side – I just nick that and rub it in my hair. I don’t really do anything with my hair other than that. I keep it quite short and just put my hoodie up and go. I also wear a little bit of moisturizer, actually, but don’t tell anyone.
Q. What does “LOUD” mean to you?
A. LOUD is exactly what I am. I think LOUD is about being yourself and showing everybody your personality. Just be you.
Das war’s von Josh, sehr sympathisch der Typ. Und morgen verraten dir Katie und Jules von den Ting Tings ihre Lieblingsstadt, sinnieren über die Bedeutung von Duft und erzählen offen, dass ihre Musik am Anfang gar nicht erfolgreich war.
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